
1. Acceptance of TOS

By accepting this TOS you are agreeing to the following declarations any failure to abide by these set declarations while result in termination of service and possible legal action.

2. Intellectual Property

The contents of AllHackTools are the unique Intellectual Property of allhacktools.com any attempt to copy,replicate or crack or any other unauthorized use of the Intellectual Property Is immediate grounds for termination and possible legal action towards the responsible party prosecuted to the best ability of the courts of United States of America .

4. Responsibility of http://www.hacktoolsdownload.blogspot.com/

AllHackTools may provide technical support for basic operation of tools this may cease at any time withoutprior notification to the user. AllHackTools is not responsible for the use or misuse of Tools. All violations of the legal system of United States of America concerning AllHackTools may be directly emailed to allhacktools.com . AllHackTools has the right to refuse sales to any single user or group of users when he/she sees fit.

5. Warranty

AllHackTools is not responsible for a warranty of Tools . If Tools fails to execute properly due to a
client side error or similar disruption, then AllHackTools has the right to refuse technical support as explained in section 4 of the terms of service for AllHackTools. If a server side error or similar disruption prevents execution then AllHackTools has the right to delay the release or update of Tools until set execution error is solved.

7. Security and Passwords

Maintaining user credentials not limited to User-name,Password,CPUID,HWID,MAC address or any other information AllHackTools deems unique or private are the sole responsibility of the licence holder to keep secure, any deliberate attempts to divulge set information is grounds for immediate licence termination and falls under an attempt to crack or leak the program and are there for in violation of the TOS of http://www.hacktoolsdownload.blogspot.com/